Thursday, October 20, 2011


oh the time of transition and decisions. I feel like I have made so many of them in the past few months. Here is a recap of my last month in Tanzania.

I was really looking forward to the last month in Tanzania because my good friend Caleb Knighten was coming to serve at the City of Hope. He arrived on May 20th and we got to work right away. I knew he would want to get things done so we had prepared a few projects that him and I could do. Also I had scheduled my last visit to a church in the area.

Church- It was an adventure I had talked to the pastor and set up that we would be doing 2 services on Saturday and 1 Sunday morning service. Kind of like a seminar. And we would stay at the pastors house for the night. We taught a lot on the body of Christ and discipleship.

Eating together...A necessary part of visiting someones home
Worship at the Church


They threw a big going away ceremony for us and dressed us like Maasi Warriors
We also built some things such as benches, tables, a tree house that is going to have a slide mounted on it and many more things.

Now I am back in the USA I arrived June 16th. Shortly after I moved back down to Fort Mill where I am now living and working at Vision Voice and Data ( I am going to be helping lead the SF Missions program at Morningstar University (that I graduated from.).

Also, I have the opportunity to go on a 2 week trip to Nicaragua in January with Foundational Missions ( more details will be coming soon.

Please keep me in your prayers!

Love and Blessings,

Kyle Ledyard


Recently I have been reading Oswald Chambers book "My utmost for His highest" it has been helping me bring my focus back to where it is supposed to be. This is an excerpt from what I read yesterday.

   "We must get rid of the plague of the spirit of this religious age in which we live. In our Lord’s life there was none of the pressure and the rushing of tremendous activity that we regard so highly today, and a disciple is to be like His Master. The central point of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship with Him, not public usefulness to others."

Wow, how much of our focus is on public usefulness to others?

Don't get me wrong I am guilty and continuously doing things and thinking about how publicly useful to others a am or am not. It really struck me though because there seems to be so many people trying to find their passion, purpose and what they should do the make a difference in the world. And those things are good even great things but if our first love is not Jesus Christ then they are just dim shadows.