Saturday, July 3, 2010

A few pics

Some heavy work unloading the container, and some light wok playing with the monkeys. :)

Project management and engagement

Hello to all my blog followers,

I know this is late in coming but I am on African Time here so please bear with me.

A lot of events have happened here in the past week. We have a total of 20 guests here this week and so there is always some thing going on. A few in particular are…My grandparents are now here at The City of Hope and my Grandfather is building a huge playground for the kids. My cousin Mwita also proposed to his girlfriend and they are now engaged.

The best way to describe my position here is Project Manager. It has been difficult and fun and we are seeing good progress here. Hopefully you can see some picture tagged on Facebook of what we are working on.

I have preached at three different churches the past three Sundays. I has been wonderful and I have been using some points from my own study on leadership and excerpts from Pastor Terry’s Teaching on the “The Church Leader” to give an overview of what Biblical leadership should look like and that it is not only for the Pastor and with that challenging everyone to find their area of leadership within the body of Christ.

Tomorrow is July 4th and yes they do have a July 4th in Tanzania. Everyone here that is from the US will be celebrating by slaughtering a pig and barbecuing it in a large pit that I am making today.


Until next time,

Kyle Ledyard

P.S. Don’t forget to email!