Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I am going to Nicaragua!

And it is coming up fast.
Dates: January 5-January 15 2012.

Here is the plan:
I am going with a small team organized by Scott McClelland and Foundational Missions. (www.fxmissions.com) The main event will be a Youth Pastor's Retreat in Masatepe, Nicaragua.

The youth pastor / youth leader event will be a few days where we can seek the LORD together and ask for a blessing and encouragement for this arising generation. Nicaragua is one of the youngest countries in the world, with a very large percentage of their population being below 18 year old. We are asking the LORD to shape the future of this country by shaping the future of these young adults. We know He wants to do it, and we want to join Him in His efforts.

What I have been doing:
I have been asking the Lord what his heart is for the people of Central America and Nicaragua.

On November 12, Amy(my girlfriend) and I held a bake sale fund raiser toward this trip.

What you can do:
Pray for us as we go.

We are going to be funding most of the event from contributions from the U.S. If you would like to give towards the Youth Pastors Retreat or my travel costs please email me at ledyard.k@gmail.com. We would like to raise 3000 toward the retreat and my travel costs estimated 1500.

I have a deadline of December 1 to have the money for my plane ticket.


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